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Johnny Carey assembled a team including Joe Baker and Ian Storey-Moore that for a long spell went largely unchanged in challenging for the 1966-67 Football League title. Instead, a mixture at the club of poor football management, the unique committee structure and proud amateurism meant decline after the 1966-67 peak. The 1966-67 season’s success seemed an opportunity to build upon, football shirts with crowds of 40,000 virtually guaranteed at the time. In the years since Jock Stein’s death, some, including Alex Ferguson, have said that they noticed changes in him in the days and weeks prior to the game against Wales. Former England captain David Platt succeeded Atkinson and spent approximately £12 million on players in the space of two seasons, including the Italian veterans Moreno Mannini, football tops Salvatore Matrecano and Gianluca Petrachi.

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